Monday, June 8, 2015

More friends

Another fun day out at Clarabelle with friends lending a hand.

My roof work in the setting sun

As I mentioned last time, the gutters on the southern side of the carriage needed some attention and so I spent most of the day up ladders, cutting out the old roof lining where it had lifted and resetting the lining of the gutter.

The southern side after I'd sorted most of the roof

This was the Queen's Birthday long weekend and my mate Steve came over from Sydney for a visit. So, of course, one day had to be spent putting him to work on Clarabelle!

The first topcoat applied to the kitchen ceiling by Steve
No spider was safe from Steve and the broom!

 Pallave came out again and put another coat of high gloss varnish on the dining room bulkhead

Pallave rightly proud of her work

And, as usual, I had my son Chester along for the day - most of which he spent in the main bedroom on his iPad!

My little bloke hard at work in the main cabin

This last shot was taken at the others request to show what a grot I am when I'm working on Clarabelle. And this is after I had washed off the worst of the paint from my hands!

In case you're wondering, yes, I did manage to get some paint on the roof of the carriage!